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Drug Paraphernalia Charge Dismissed

Posted On: May 21st, 2013

A college student, about to graduate, with a promising accounting career faced a crisis. He was at an off campus party that was visited by police officers. The police officers charged the gentleman with drug paraphernalia.

This college student had an internship with a prominent accounting firm and a job lined up with the same firm after graduating. The accounting firm does background checks. A drug paraphernalia conviction would leave him jobless.

This gentleman is friends with a local prosecutor. When asking for a referral, the prosecutor suggested that he speak with the attorneys with LHA. The Columbus Criminal Defense team was hired to represent this young man on the case.

We represented the client and passionately argued that this particular individual was otherwise exceptional and deserved a chance to wipe the slate clean. Providing supporting documentation, the prosecutor, or does not ordinarily dismiss drug-related offenses, was ultimately persuaded to make an exception. Upon showing that the young man had successfully graduated and was studying for the CPA exam, the charge was dismissed.

The result and subsequent expungement or sealing of his record will wipe the slate clean for this young college graduate. It will allow him to accept the job offer and move forward with his life. 

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome in your case. Individual results may vary based on the facts, injuries, jurisdiction, venue, witnesses, parties, and other factors. The results and client testimonials provided are not necessarily representative of the results obtained by all clients or their satisfaction with the firm’s services.

I can FINALLY breathe easy now. I want to thank Mr. Bowen and all the attorneys that helped me with this case.

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