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Child Endangerment Charges Dismissed for Man Accused of Excessive Discipline

Posted On: June 6th, 2016

The experienced attorneys at Luftman, Heck & Associates know that contentious domestic situations can become very sensitive and need to be handled very carefully for all those involved. Not long ago, a father of two young children from Franklin County, Ohio, who was engaged in a heated custody dispute with his ex-wife wound up in a terrible situation when his former spouse accused him of excessively disciplining their children to the point of causing injury. Based on her accusations, the police became involved and ultimately charged the man with two counts of child endangerment. The man knew that a conviction for child endangerment charges would adversely affect his life with the possibility of time in jail, a criminal conviction on his record, and most important to him was that he’d most likely be denied acceptable custody of his children. Faced with such grim consequences, the man knew that he needed a skilled lawyer and contacted Luftman, Heck & Associates.

After a consultation where the man disputed the charges against him, an attorney from LHA began negotiating with the prosecutor’s office to find any possible alternatives for his client. In the meantime, the case had been scheduled for trial; however, when the discussions finally concluded, our Columbus criminal attorney had successfully convinced the assigned prosecutor to dismiss both counts of child endangerment in exchange for the man’s enrollment in a parenting program. In the end, his client would not see any of his fears realized, so he could freely pursue custody of his children, and could easily move past this unnerving incident.

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome in your case. Individual results may vary based on the facts, injuries, jurisdiction, venue, witnesses, parties, and other factors. The results and client testimonials provided are not necessarily representative of the results obtained by all clients or their satisfaction with the firm’s services.

I can FINALLY breathe easy now. I want to thank Mr. Bowen and all the attorneys that helped me with this case.

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