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Central Ohio Courts

Dublin Mayor’s Court

For Legal Help in Dublin Mayor's Court, Call LHA Today. Free Consults: (614) 406-5868.

Court Information

For nearly ten years, the Columbus Criminal defense team has frequented the Dublin Mayor’s Court. During that time, we have defended clients on a wide range of cases there, from OVI / DUIs, to theft, to possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia and many other criminal offenses. Our Dublin DUI attorneys can help defend your case if you are charged with a DUI/OVI.

Prosecutor(s) Marty Nobile
Court Clerk(s) Janice Speicher

Prosecutor Marty Nobile and a rotation of magistrates handle court affairs, with Janice Speicher serving as the court clerk.

View the Court Process

6565 Commerce Parkway
Dublin, OH 43017
PH: (614) 410-4920
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Franklin County Ohio

Dublin Mayor’s Court

Court Process Information

The first step in the court process is an arraignment, which is where your charges will be read in front of the sitting magistrate and you will plead “not guilty,” “guilty” or “no contest.” Hiring the Columbus Criminal defense team means that you likely will not have to show up for your arraignment and can leave all of the pre-trial work to us.

The next step is to assess the evidence, figure out the weaknesses in the prosecutor’s case and negotiate on our client’s behalf to give them options and to accomplish their goals for the case.

For example, in OVI / DUI cases, client’s goals generally include staying out of jail, terminating or lessening lessen their license suspension, getting driving privileges and most importantly trying to avoid getting an OVI conviction. Typical reductions in in OVI / DUI cases include lesser offenses such as reckless operation or physical control. For drug offenses, client’s goals generally include keeping the drug conviction off their record and keeping their license from being suspended.

You cannot have a jury trial at Dublin Mayor’s Court and OVI / DUI and criminal evidentiary hearings are generally not held there. If we are not satisfied with pre-trial results at the Dublin Mayor’s Court and need to litigate your case, we may opt to transfer the case downtown to Franklin County Municipal Court. Jury trials and OVI / DUI hearings are conducted in Franklin County Municipal Court. Prosecutor Marty Nobile stays with all cases that are transferred to Franklin County Municipal Court.


I can FINALLY breathe easy now. I want to thank Mr. Bowen and all the attorneys that helped me with this case.

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