Theft Conviction Avoided for Woman in Danger of Deportation
Categories: Criminal Defense, Theft & FraudIf you are ever charged with a crime in Ohio, it is very important to consult with a qualified legal professional, who can help you effectively deal with the charges and will work to protect your criminal record from unnecessary harm. Such was the case for a 32-year-old Ukrainian woman when a retail theft charge put her immigration status in jeopardy. Essentially, if her application for citizenship reflected a conviction, it would likely be denied and she would then face deportation. She understandably did not want to be removed from this country and this eventually led her to Columbus criminal defense attorney Joe Kunkel of Luftman, Heck & Associates, who passionately advocated for his client.
With ample experience in these matters, attorney Kunkel negotiated with the prosecution and facilitated an agreement for his client to enter a diversion program prior to appearing in court. By completing these terms before admitting guilt, the woman achieved a dismissal before a conviction ever appeared on her record. This removed much of the woman’s concern and she’d now be allowed to petition to stay in the United States.
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