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Columbus Probation Violation Attorney

Facing probation violation charges in Columbus? Don't go to jail for it. Call LHA to get the fast and immediate help you need at (614) 500-3836 today.

An accusation related to violating your probation is no laughing matter. Depending on the severity of the slip-up, you could be looking at fines, counseling, or even having to spend time behind bars. If you are being accused of a probation violation, contact a Columbus probation violation attorney at Luftman, Heck & Associates today. We can determine the best course of action for your case.

While parole involves being allowed to serve part of a term in the community, probation acts as a substitute for time spent behind bars. Across the country, this is a popular option for many crimes, from shoplifting to assault. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, there were close to 3,890,000 people on probation in 2020. While this may seem like a lenient punishment in comparison to incarceration, there are strict rules that must be adhered to. Failing to do so can have disastrous consequences.

If you would like to find out more, or if you are ready to take action, call a Columbus probation violation attorney from LHA today at (614) 500-3836.

Violating Probation in Columbus, OH

When you are convicted of a crime, there are a number of consequences that can be assigned. This depends not only on the severity of the crime but on the judge who is chosen to handle your case. You may receive fines, probation, time incarcerated, or a combination of all three. When a judge orders time behind bars in combination with probation, it is referred to as a split sentence. Regardless of the circumstances, most people consider probation a lenient penalty. However, a violation can lead to harsher outcomes.

Being assigned probation as a consequence always involves the judge explaining the conditions that must be met. These often include, but are not limited to:

  • Agreeing to attend regular meetings with a probation officer
  • Showing up to counseling or therapy sessions
  • Mandatory drug tests that are administered on a frequent basis
  • Avoiding locations that have been deemed off-limits
  • Avoiding criminals or people who are likely to encourage bad behavior
  • Not committing any misdemeanors or felonies

The Consequences of a Probation Violation

What happens after a probation violation depends entirely on the nature of the offense. If you were running late to a meeting with your probation officer, you may only receive a small fine. However, more serious violations can result in severe penalties, such spending time behind bars.

Depending on the circumstances, a violation may lead to any combination of the following consequences:

  • Simple Warning: This is common for first-time violations. If the violation was not serious, the probation officer may remain silent, especially if the judge handling your case is swamped.
  • Rehabilitation: If you were found to be intoxicated in public or if a chemical test shows that you had drugs in your system, you may be required to attend a substance abuse facility.
  • Fines: In some instances, your probation officer may require you to pay additional fines. These may go to the original victim, the probation agency, or the court system.
  • Counseling: It may be possible that your violation was tied to psychological issues or an anger management problem. Counseling may be the best way to remedy these issues.
  • Increased Probationary Period: While your violation may not be severe, it may warrant extending your probation. This is often done in lieu of assigning time incarcerated.
  • Incarceration: This is normally reserved for serious violations, such as committing a crime or attempting to flee. In most cases, a person is only sent away for a short period of time.

Call a Columbus Probation Violation Attorney from LHA Today

If you are accused of a serious probation violation, you may be arrested by police. From here, you will be required to attend an initial court hearing. At this meeting, the judge will determine whether bond should be arranged. However, in these cases, there is no entitlement to bond. Next, you will be required to attend the main hearing, otherwise known as a violation of probation hearing. The judge will listen to legal arguments from both sides to determine the best course of action.

If your freedom is being determined in a probationary hearing, it is important to have skilled legal representation by your side. A Columbus probation violation attorney can speak on your behalf and paint a clear picture for the court. Our criminal defense lawyers in Columbus have helped many people protect their rights in court. We will do whatever it takes to give your case the best possible outcome.

To find out how you can avoid the worst consequences of a probation violation, call (614) 500-3836 now.

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