Getting a DUI in Columbus or any other state not only puts you at risk to incur significant legal penalties, but also additional requirements that could extend into other areas of your life. One of those requirements involves the filing of an SR-22 insurance certificate.
SR stands for Safety Responsibility. It is document that verifies you have an auto insurance policy. An insurance company prepares the document and then files it with the state DMV. Ohio and other states require this filing for individuals with one or more types of driving-related issues, which includes operating a vehicle under the influence (OVI).
Having an SR-22 certificate proves that you carry the minimum insurance requirements in the state, and it ensures that if you are involved in an accident, an insurance company will compensate you for losses.
Having a DUI/OVI charge filed against you can be a daunting experience. Regardless of your current situation, our team at Luftman, Heck & Associates can help you build a strong defense on your behalf.
To begin with a free consultation about your case, call a Columbus DUI lawyer today at (614) 500-3836.
SR-22 Requirement in Ohio
You may be required to file an SR-22 insurance form in Columbus under any one of the following circumstances:
- You were convicted of DUI/OVI or another major traffic violation.
- You did not show law enforcement proof of insurance at their request.
- You were not insured when an accident occurred that included either the injury or death of a passenger or $400 in property damage. In this event, you are required to file an SR-22 regardless of whether or not you were at fault.
An alternative to acquiring an SR-22 certificate is available in Ohio. You may deposit $30,000 in securities or cash with the State Treasurer or file a $32,500 surety bond with a state licensed insurance company. You are required to retain the bond or deposit for the entire length of the SR-22 certificate requirement.
Types of SR-22 Insurance in Ohio
There are three types of SR-22 certificates available in Ohio. These are:
- Owner’s Certificate – covers drivers operating a vehicle they own.
- Operators Certificate – covers drivers who do not own a vehicle.
- Operator’s-Owner’s Certificate – covers drivers operating any vehicle.
Filing Period for SR-22 Insurance
At a minimum, drivers under an SR-22 requirement must continue to file an SR-22 for three years. Based on the seriousness of the offense, the court has discretion to ask for a longer filing period as it deems appropriate.
An SR-22 must be renewed on a yearly basis at a minimum of two weeks prior to expiration. Failure to at least notify the insurer of your intent to renew will result in the insurer contacting the DMV, which in turn, can have your driving privileges suspended until the reinstatement of the insurance. It is your responsibility to renew your policy on time and submit the required SR-22 insurance form.
An Experienced Columbus DUI Lawyer Can Help You
At Luftman, Heck & Associates, we know how to fight for our client’s rights in order to help them receive their best possible outcome. We can evaluate your case and discuss your legal options during our free case assessment. To speak with an experienced Columbus DUI lawyer, contact us today at (614) 500-3836.