Few criminal offenses carry more stigma than a sex crime. A conviction for such a crime is cause for concern for a number of reasons. You may be looking at jail time. Your reputation can be damaged by the mere allegation of a sex crime, whether you are convicted or not. In addition, you can face steep fines as a result of the case. You may think that a sex crime won’t affect your financial well-being beyond the statutory fine you may have to pay. In reality, a sexual offense can affect your financial situation long after accusations or a conviction are brought against you. If you decide to fight the charge, you run the risk of incurring high legal expenses.
Speaking with a Columbus sex crimes attorney is a good way to avoid the negative financial consequences of sex crime accusations. While our team handles your defense, you can concentrate on restoring normalcy to your life. To schedule a free and confidential case consultation, contact us today at 614-500-3836.
Fines and Fees Associated With Sex Crimes
Whether you’ve been convicted of a sex crime or you’re fighting allegations, a sex crime accusation will be expensive. In either situation, you’re likely asking yourself, “how much will a sex crimes attorney cost?” Attorneys’ fees are not the only expense you need to worry about during a sex crime case. You also need to consider statutory fines, and other related expenses.
The minimum fine associated with a sexual conviction in Ohio is $500. Alternatively, if you decide to fight the case and lose, you could be on the hook for both your legal representation fees and potential restitution to your alleged victim. These expenses can quickly add up.
What About Work?
If you’re convicted of a sexual offense, you are required by Ohio law to add your name to the sex offender registry. This registry is public record. That means it is freely available for anyone who might choose to look it up, including potential employers. Being listed on the sex offender registry will make it more difficult for you to find employment. This loss of income is one way a sex crime can cause you financial harm.
Finding Housing Can Be a Hassle
You’re entitled to certain rights if you’re looking for housing. The Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to refuse housing to someone because they fall within a protected class. Sex offenders are not included in those protected by the Fair Housing Act. That means that if you’re convicted of a sex crime, you might face difficulty while looking for a place to live. This can put even more pressure on your financial situation. Renting a room by the day can get incredibly expensive. Alternatively, you might have to live in an inconvenient location, racking up gas or public transportation fares.
A Sex Crime Conviction Could Cost You Your Pension
If you belong to the Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund, a sex crime conviction may cost you your retirement funds. The Ohio Revised Code deems certain offenses serious enough to result in the forfeiture of your pension. Among those crimes are:
Contact a Sex Crimes Attorney from Our Office for Help Today
Talking to an experienced criminal defense lawyer is an important part of dealing with a sex crimes charge. At Luftman, Heck & Associates, we can help you avoid dealing with the financial consequences of a sex crime conviction. To learn more about your legal options in such a situation, call us today at 614-500-3836, or reach out via our online form.