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Ohio Sex Offender Registration

Are you facing registration as a sex offender in Columbus? Call LHA. Free Consults: (614) 500-3836.

Do you have questions about the sex offender registration process in Columbus? If you have been convicted of a sexual offense in the state of Ohio, then you are required to follow the laws governing sex offender registration in the Ohio sex offender registry. Current law designates three levels of registration for convicted sex offenders: Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3. For adults, the Tier level assigned to an individual corresponds to that person’s conviction. For juveniles, judges have discretion in determining Tier level.

A convicted adult must register with local Sex Offender Registration and Notification (SORN) unit.

Are you currently facing a sex crime charge in the state of Ohio? If so, your best course of action is to hire a skilled Columbus sex crimes attorney to defend you vigorously. The legal team at Luftman, Heck & Associates knows what is at stake for you and your future. We can evaluate your best options, and through intelligent and assertive representation fight for the best possible outcome in your case.

Contact us today at (614) 500-3836 for a free consultation.

Sex Offender Categories in Ohio

Two categories of sex offenders in the state of Ohio must register with SORN:

  • Sex Offender – This is an individual who has either pleaded guilty to or been convicted of a criminal offense that either involved sexual motives or was itself sexual in nature.
  • Child-Victim Offender – This person has either pleaded guilty to or been convicted of an offense (without sexual motivation) against a child or children below the age of 18.

After categorization as a sex offender or child-victim offender, the individual is then classified into one of three sex crime offense tiers. Each of these Tiers carries with it a particular sex offender registration requirement described below.

Offender Registration Requirements

Tier 1
Adult offenders classified under Tier 1 are required to register every 12 months over a period of 15 years, though this time can be reduced by five years if the registrant does not commit any sex offenses or felonies and successfully completes probation/parole and sex offender treatment. Juveniles under this Tier do not mandatorily have to register, per Ohio law. Tier 1 offenders are not subject to community or neighborhood notification requirements.

The types of convictions that fall under a Tier 1 classification include:

  • Voyeurism
  • Importuning
  • Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor, non-consensual and offender less than four years older than victim, not previously convicted of Rape, Sexual Battery, or Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 2907.04, or former ORC 2907.12 (FSP)
  • Sexual Imposition
  • Gross Sexual Imposition
  • Child Enticement with sexual motivation
  • Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity-oriented Material or Performance
  • Menacing by Stalking with sexual motivation
  • Pandering Obscenity
  • Unlawful Restraint with sexual motivation

Tier 2
Offenders designated under Tier 2 must register every 180 days (six months) over a span of 25 years. Mandatory registration is not required for juveniles in this Tier. Individuals under Tier 2 are not subject to community notification requirements.

The types of convictions that fall under a Tier 2 classification include:

  • Compelling Prostitution
  • Pandering Obscenity Involving a Minor
  • Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity-oriented Material or Performance
  • Pandering Sexually Oriented Material Involving a Minor when the offender is at least four years older than the alleged victim; or when the offender is less than four years older and has no prior convictions for the alleged crime
  • Gross Sexual Imposition victim under 13
  • Child Endangering
  • Kidnapping with Sexual Motivation
  • Any sexual offense that occurs after the offender has been classified as a Tier 1 offender

Tier 3
Offenders categorized under Tier 3 are required to register every 90 days for the rest of their lives. Each time the offender moves to a new neighborhood or community, that locality will receive notification of the offender’s status. This includes all residents of the area who live within 1,000 feet of the offender’s official residence. Juveniles who fall under this Tier must register every three months for life with their local sheriff’s office, though this can be eliminated after 25 years if the offender does not commit any felony or sex crime offense, completes probation or parole, and successfully finishes sex offender treatment.

The types of convictions that fall under a Tier 3 classification include:

  • Sexual Battery
  • Rape
  • Unlawful Death or termination of pregnancy as a result of committing or attempt to commit a felony with sexual motivation
  • Murder and Aggravated Murder with sexual motivation
  • Kidnapping of minor, not by parent
  • Kidnapping of minor to engage in sexual activity
  • Felonious Assault with sexual motivation

How and Where to Register as an Offender

Adult offenders are required to register their home, work, and school addresses with the jurisdiction in which they reside. Registration should be made with the court/sheriff within three days of entering the county in which an offender plans to live or reside. They must also provide proper notification of travel when they plan to be away from their home for seven or more days. When offenders register, they must provide all required information to the local sheriff’s office, including vehicle information, email addresses, etc.

Offenders in Tiers 2 and 3 will be included in Ohio’s Electronic Sex Offender Registration and Notification online database. This database is accessible to any person who wishes to look up an offender online. Offenders in Tier 1 will only appear on this database if they committed an eligible offense against a minor.

Our Columbus Sex Crimes Attorneys Can Help You

The consequences of a sexual offense conviction and the subsequent Ohio sex offender registration requirements involved are serious matters. If you are facing a pending or existing sex crimes charge, allow our team at Luftman, Heck & Associates to provide you with the legal counsel and vigorous defense you need during this trying time. We will fight on your behalf to reduce or eliminate these consequences as much as possible.

Request a free consultation online today or call one of our Columbus criminal defense lawyers at (614) 500-3836 today.

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